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Trash Icons For Mac

Trash icons for windows
  1. Where Is The Trash Icon
  2. Os X Trash
Mac show trash

Where Is The Trash Icon

Created by video game developer, the Mac Pro Trash icon’s pretty easy to install. Just do this: 1) Download the icon 2) Navigate to Machintosh HD System Library CoreServices Dock 3) Right click and “Show Package Contents” 4) Click on Contents Resources 5) Scroll down to find the files “trashempty.png”, “trashempty@2x.png”, etc and back them up. There should be 8. 6) Replace old icons with new ones, and delete the reflections.

Os X Trash

They aren’t needed. 7) Open Terminal.app and type “killall Dock”. You’re now stuffing your Mac’s virtual trash into the top of a $3,000 computer.